Pricing Plans
Sign up or register for free and gain access to our premium features. Choose between our flexible monthly subscription, allowing you to explore our offerings at your own pace, or opt for the hassle-free yearly subscription, which offers a convenient over 10% discount. Whether you're ready to dive in headfirst or prefer to test the waters, we have the perfect plan to suit your needs. Join our community today and embark on a remarkable music journey!
$9.95 /month- Endless music downloads
- Suggest music for remix purposes
- Change plans or terminate anytime
- Billed montly
$109 /month- Download music without limits
- Suggest music to remix
- Switch plans or cancel anytime
- Billed on a yearly basis
Create an account
Take the first step towards discovering all the features and resources available to you by creating an account
Choose your plan
Personalize your experience by choosing the perfect plan that aligns with your goals and preferences.
Enjoy Dowloading
Immerse yourself in the world of unlimited downloads, where the possibilities are endless and the choices are yours.
Request a music
Step into the world of personalized music remixes by submitting your request and let us create something extraordinary for you.
Membership and Billing Policy
At MP3 Mixes Pool, there are no contracts, and DJs can cancel their membership at any time.
If you wish to opt out of auto-renewal, you must cancel your membership before your next billing cycle due date to avoid automatic charges. Please note, this process applies to PayPal users only.
Important: Canceling your auto-payment will terminate your recurring membership and any accrued credits will be forfeited.
How to Cancel Auto-Payments on PayPal:
1. Log in to your PayPal account.
2. Locate a recent transaction.
3. Click on "Transaction Details."
4. Select "View Billing Agreement Details."
5. Click "Cancel" to stop recurring payments.
Should you have any questions or require assistance, feel free to contact our support team.